Special Edition Original Labels

/pk of 40
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  • available with found-it™

  • dishwasher safe

  • microwave & freezer safe

  • no scuffing or tearing

Whether you're bringing your baby to music class, your tot to preschool, or your kidlet to sports camp, everything needs to be labeled. Original Labels personalize everything that leaves the house and they're your first line of defense from the lost-and-found pile. They're beautiful, tough, and they don't mind getting really dirty... just like your kid.

Our super-durable name labels are completely waterproof so go ahead and stick them on items that go in the dishwasher, microwave, freezer or outdoors.

  • school stuff
  • camp stuff
  • sippy cups
  • bottles
  • toys
  • food containers
  • large electronics
  • lunch boxes
  • sports equipment
  • size: 2" x 3/4" | 50mm x 20mm
  • available with Found-it™
  • high-performance vinyl
  • waterproof
  • dishwasher safe
  • microwave safe
  • fridge and freezer safe
  • weatherproof
  • super-strong adhesive
  • high quality, full-color printing
  • scuff-proof
  • tear-resistant
  1. Peel and stick to clean, dry, smooth surface.
  2. Smooth down to ensure strong contact.
  3. Wait 24hrs before putting item into dishwasher.

These labels are not a toy and should be applied by an adult or under adult supervision.